Monday, January 1, 2007

2006 List-O-Mania

Okay, so as I promised (more to myself than anyone else), this is the beginning of an 8-day event in which I will post at least 1 list or blurb everyday that is pertinent to some aspect of the year 2006. I'm going to try my best to hold off on the "big" lists until time draws closer to the end of this 8-day event (the "big" lists being like "albums of the year" and all that crap). The last 3 or 4 years I tried my best to post everything all at once on the same day in one huge package, but over the last few years people told me that it was annoying to have to read through all of it in one shot. And so now I'm trying sumpin different. I hope it's enjoyed.

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